25 September 2024 - Day 12

START TIME : 8:50           END TIME : 13:00   

ASCENT↗      : 257             DESCENT ↘   : 468

WEATHER     : Overcast

ACCOMMODATION  : Hotel/Gite Le Peyrade
                       PRICE : €49.00
                       MENU : Cauliflower puree, mache salad, cold ratatouille,  rice, zucchiniomelet,, and eggplant, ile flotant (great bread!)

NARRATIVE:  Just a short, easy walking day to give my back a break. Got too engrossed in my thoughts so I missed a turn which added another 800 meters to my walk.  The downhill into Cajarc was steep and rocky. Not my favorite, but I arrived ok. Staying at a hotel which basically has figured out that if the put a couple more beds in a room, they can make more money.  Seems I'll be alone
So beautiful here
Huge pig!
Loved this road marker
Yeah!!! Cows.
Just a babe
Looking down into Cajarc
Tonight's gite


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