06 September 2024 - Pre walk thoughts...

In March 2024, I suddenly realized that my U.S. passport had expired the previous month. I have had a current passport since 1978, so this left me feeling anxious. Not having a passport meant that I couldn’t just pick up and go somewhere, especially now that I live in Mexico. I immediately scheduled the earliest appointment possible at the consulate general in Guadalajara to apply for a renewal.

When I returned home after my May appointment, I decided to scan airfares to Europe... just out of curiosity. I was pretty sure it was a waste of time because I had no doubt that a future trip would be price prohibitive. To my surprise, I was able to put together a round-trip ticket from Guadalajara, Mexico to Barcelona, Spain for $669.00 USD! The flights were in September and allowed me to stay abroad for just over 3 weeks, which is ideal.  I had no choice. I had to book it. I then stressed over the next 5 weeks, waiting for my new passport to arrive.

My first visit to France was in 1978. The minute my foot hit French soil, I knew in my heart, I had come home. Since that first trip, I had been to France almost every year, some years I even went twice. However, my most recent visit was in 2019 when I walked the Stevenson route with a friend. Then, the 2020 Covid shutdowns hit. For some inexplicable reason, it has taken me 5 years to return. It feels like forever. I must admit that I am feeling quite anxious about this trip…

First of all, I hate flying. It’s not like I have any other option. I have 3 flights each way. I just need to suck it up. If only I could sleep on the flight… but experience has proven that to be impossible. And of course, I am anxious about the inevitable jet lag, starting out already exhausted.

Secondly, I am feeling insecure about speaking French again. Living in Mexico, Spanish has taken the space in my brain that was once dedicated to French. I tell myself that by the end of the first week, it’ll be back. Hopefully.

Thirdly, I stress about my fitness level. Walking 20-30 kilometers per day takes a toll on the body. In preparation, I have been walking from 4 to 6 kilometers daily. I am sure it’s not enough, but it is at altitude, on cobblestone streets, up and down hilly terrain. Fingers crossed it’ll be sufficient.

Lastly, I am anxious about walking alone, even though this will be my 4th time walking solo. I have walked 6 times in France and Spain, ranging from 3 to 6 weeks, picking up each time where I left off. In total, I have completed the Via Podiensis (2x), the Frances (2x) and the Stevenson route but three of these trips were with a walking companion. I am 11 years older since I first started long distance walking, so I am feeling a bit apprehensive.

Once I get to Le Puy en Velay and start walking, I am hoping all my fears will vanish.

I arrive in Barcelona at 17:30 on the 11th of September. I have scheduled an overnight bus to Lyon which arrives at 6:15 the following morning. Ideally, I will be able to sleep on the bus, but I have always had problems sleeping if I am not in a prone position. I then will take the 2 trains from the Lyon Perrache station to Le Puy, arriving around 10:30. Since I have no idea what condition I will be in once I arrive in Le Puy, I have not made any reservations. Tentatively, I plan to stop at a local shop to purchase an updated Michelin guide and head out, walking the 16ish kms to Monbonnet. I will be 3 hours or so behind the group that leaves en masse from the cathedral following the pilgrim’s mass and blessing. I am hoping there will be a few stragglers, so I won’t be totally alone on the trail.

Of course, there is always the possibility I will feel like crap and decide to spend the night in Le Puy before heading out the following day… 


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